Sunday, July 15, 2012

15 Weeks & 3 Days! It's A.....

Hey everyone! Love to see the number of blog visitors go up every day! Make sure to follow and feel free to comment on my posts! Love to read your thoughts! ;)

I am Now at 15 weeks and 3 days!!! I still trip out thinking about the day I found out and now we are already 15 weeks along! It's insane how fast it really does go!
Alright So this past week, just a couple days ago, we were actually able to see the sex of the baby.... and well...

It's A ..
Check out that Long Leg! Oh my wow! That's all Mr. McD!

I was so certain this baby was a girl and I was shocked when they told us! I'm so excited to have this little monster be our baby! -I can totally call him a little monster and he won't be butthurt like a little girl would be! ha! This is crazy! Knowing who's in there makes things so much more exciting and fun!!! David is of course ecstatic to know it's a boy. He's always wanted the little buddy and so have I! =) 

Full Name : Noah Kalvin McDaniels 

As For me, This is me now. That's a bathing suit lol I had gone to Carpinteria state beach which is Amazing! and This is when I got home. Baby bump is growing! My best friend isn't even showing and sometimes I get upset with seeing how "big" I feel already so soon but it's a good reminder that Noah is growing healthy so I feel lucky to be getting big now. =) 

Baby is the size of an apple. He is able to hear our voices and sense light if pressed against my belly. He's about 4 1/2 inches long (although the ultrasound tech told us he's about 7 inches) Babies legs are now growing longer than his arms now and can move all those joints. Taste buds are forming. 

Symptoms: Headaches, Some gagging still, Backaches. 

Cravings: Fruit with chile and lime. Mexican candy and Popcorn. Not just any popcorn though, MUST be from theaters with butter. =) -Talk about specific, it's Noah I swear ;) And salad from Cheesecake Factory or BJ's. 

Maternity Clothes or Regular? I've got one pair of jean maternity capris from Motherhood and jean maternity shorts. I can still wear my regular jeans and shorts it's just a bit tight when it comes to buttoning. I'm loving booty shorts ;) 

Mood: Warning: I am officially a grouch. I get annoyed easily and I'm trying to avoid my neighbors in fear of having an unnecessary attitude. Talk to much and I roll my eyes. =/ But it's not always like this. I have my good days oh and I'm literally a laughing Cow. I laugh at silly things. 

Stretch Marks: Yes. Underboobs and a few on the sides of my hips. TMI: my boobs have grown so fast. David comes home from work and always feels necessary to comment on how big they've gotten. I don't mind just can let him touch because THEY HURT! 

Movement? Oh boy YES! Noah loves swimming around! And David officially felt a little flutter during church today! WHoo! 

Gender Prediction: I was totally wrong, IT'S A BOY! YAY!!!!

Moving onto Daddy...

David and his pregnant self : He's still very pregnant. Loves eating what I crave, loves his naps, and has mood swings just like me. The other day he said he couldn't button his work pants anymore that they were too tight around the hips so he had to go up a size. ;) He's such a preggy. I love seeing how this all affects him. It's cute! 

Yesterday when my mom and I went to the Beach I had to dig a hole in the sand to be comfy enough to lie on my tummy. 
I exxgerated how big it needed to be, it was funny.

My belly bump pic looks like I've grown a 3rd boob. Nice . 
Gotta Have my fruit!
My little Noah, I'm already spoiling you bub. I love reading to you and talking to you. 
I'm Loving being pregnant. I'm loving being in love and wanting to have a child with my best friend. I can't wait to share the upcoming weeks with you all. This truly is a blessing and I thank God everyday for blessing me with the ability to have children. I'm happy with how our life is right now. =) 

For you formed my inward parts and knit me together in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. 
-Psalm 139: 13-14

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