Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mother's Day 2015 (a mother of 4)

What a great way to start the lovely month of May, being celebrated and celebrating all the special women in my life! Mother's day this year was just perfect! I woke up early to two beautiful sets of flowers, one from my husband and one from Noah and our little Levi who isn't even here yet! =) This mama is spoiled. Both came with sweet notes that made my heart melt!

For breakfast we stopped at Noah's Bagels and got our egg sandwiches and decided to just drive around while we ate our breakfast. We than went over to my mom's house to visit and be with her and my grandma which was nice!

Later in the day we went over to my sister in law's place for dinner and our mom was also there along with Noah's cousin Mason. My sister made a delicious stuffed bell pepper dinner and salad and man was it a treat! I really have no desire to cook at this point so this was the icing on top of the cake for us! My mom in law spoiled me with a beautiful "L" necklace since she gave me an "N" for Christmas and a gorgeous pink leather crystal wrap bracelet! My sister gave me a Starbucks cup with a gift card inside. I wasn't even expecting these things and they really went above and beyond for Mother's Day!

It turned out to be a great family filled day and I wouldn't have changed any bit of it. I am so honored to be a mother of our son Noah for these past two years and so blessed we get to have Levi this month as well. They make my life complete, fun, challenging and blessed all at once and I my expectations of what motherhood would be like have been surpassed.

To our two sweet angels we lost last year,

If only you knew how often I think of the both of you and what it would have been like to have you here with us. I long everyday to know what you would have looked like, if you were a boy and a girl, or two boys or two girls. It was this time a year ago we found out we were pregnant. We were so nervous and excited to be expecting again! And when we found out there were two of you, I'm not going to lie, I almost fainted. I was in shock! We got home that night and I instantly started planning out your room, how I would announce the pregnancy to everyone and everything! I was so excited. When we lost the two of you, it felt like the world completely stopped . Like I had lost a huge part of me. And honestly, I still feel that way. I know one thing for sure, is that you're both in a much better and safer place. You're in the arms of our Heavenly father and I know you'll be there waiting for us when it's time. Know that you are both in my heart, on my mind at all times and that I love you like you were here with me. The two of you have made me a mother as well, and even though I don't get to hold you in my arms, I hold you in my heart every single day of my life. I love you and I'll be seeing you.

Our Miscarriage story Our Sweet Twins in Heaven

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