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21 Weeks baby Numero Tres! |
Oh hello,
nice to be back after a week of not blogging! This week has been insane. Last Wednesday, David's mom was kind enough to watch our boys for me while I went out and about by myself to run some errands. One of those was of course stopping by the Goodwill for the half off sale hours they had going. I was in and almost out in an hour. It was a hot day that day, in the 90's and inside the store was a little cooler than outside but packed with people. I stood in line for a while, and when it came time for me to get rung up, I walked over and began to feel dizzy, hot and nauseous all at the same time. The guy was talking to me and all of the sudden everything went black. My vision went COMPLETELY BLACK! And I felt so so hot and dizzy and I began to talk but couldn't. I told the cashier guy "I'm sorry I can't.." and he ran over to me and walked me to sit down on a nearby couch. He was so sweet. I began tearing up and apologizing and he was so nervous and ran and got me a cup of fresh water and asked me if I needed anything and told me to sit for a while. My vision slowly started coming back but was still blurry and I could than think straight. I called my husband and told him I didn't think I could drive. Called my mom and dad and they both told me to go to a hospital and make sure everything is okay.
I was 21 weeks pregnant so you bet I was nervous about what could possibly be wrong. David left work and got to me very quickly, took me to the hospital where they drew blood, hooked me up to an IV, gave me tylenol, did an EKG on me to monitor my heart and even a chest X-ray. From there they had to transfer me via ambulance to the next city's hospital that had a labor and delivery section.
Everything came back normal and praise God our baby is just fine. I'm now 22 weeks, feeling pretty crappy and exhausted but I'm glad it was nothing more serious than dehydration, exhaustion and lack of snacking through out the day.
This week has been a whole other story...
We were out and about Tuesday night picking up dinner when Levi vomited in the car. Not once, not twice but 3 times in an hour! We got home bathed him and again he threw up a couple of times. Bathed him again. All night he was up about every hour throwing up. It was miserable. David stayed home the following day to be the best husband ever and took all our sheets, comforter, clothes and soiled towels to the laundromat and took Noah with him for a few hours while I stayed home with Levi. We rested. I'm so thankful for that man of mine.
Wednesday, I was sick with the stomach flu. No fun. Back pain/spasm and throwing up, not a good mix. That night, Noah threw up.
Today things are looking up. All of us have seemed to have recovered. Our appetites have slowly returned and we are up and moving. Both boys napped amazingly while I got some much needed
cleaning and sanitizing EVERYTHING out of the way.
In the midst of this chaos, drama within the family has been occurring today too. I felt so exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically. As if we haven't been through enough all week, let's add some un necessary negativity to the mix.
WHAT I'VE LEARNED: You can't and you won't always please everyone. And It's not up to me to make someone happy. I know who I am in Christ and that's all that matters in the end. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BELITTLE ANYONE. Not one person is better than another or vice versa.
So what did I do? I stood up for myself in the situation. I Susie, for Once in my life stood up for me and my family. And so did my Husband. I spoke truth, was nice to begin with and finished still not mean but I stood my ground. During and after, I prayed. I left it in God's hands, turned up my Bethel worship music and cleaned. I now feel complete relief.
So if you are going through a similar thing, I urge you to not be snappy with someone , but just LET IT GO and GIVE IT TO GOD. He'll have your back.
So far, the day turned amazing with the help and fellowship of my best friend Suzie giving me Godly advice and listening to me vent. Also, tomorrow we leave for Texas with my dad and his wife and I just found out my sister is going! I couldn't be more thrilled. It will be an amazing time seeing family and having family's help for a week with our kids too. I'm excited for this adventure!
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