Friday, March 9, 2018

Ready, Set, Go!

my dear caring friend, this ones for you.

Life update in Pictures.

I know I've neglected this space of mine for quite a while. So much has happened in so little time! We've moved 3x in a matter of a years time and it's been stressful and hard and fun and I'm taking it day by day. Adjusting to life with with 3 kids now 5, 2 and almost one has been hands down one of the most difficult yet rewarding jobs/tasks/ moments I've ever experienced. Life is busy, for me, for you and for everyone and I think that's what I've learned this past year in this season. Be patient and understanding, you're not the only one going through a difficult situation.

David and I found a place to rent back in ventura county. We now live in a small 3 bedroom house on an avocado ranch in Fillmore and we absolutely love it! All the struggles this past year, I now see were to prepare us for bigger and better things. David is thriving at work, now in a manager's position and I couldn't be more proud. He works hard to provide for all of us and comes home and keeps going. Our relationship is great! We don't get much alone time but with 3 kiddies, what could  you expect. We are happy.
My sons are great! I've yet to meet another kid with as much energy as mine but that's okay lol They are kids after all. Motherhood is trying. They like to push the limits on just about everything( as I'm typing it's 10:42 pm on a friday night and Noah and I are the only ones awake. He's right next to me.)

We adopted a pup, not so little pup , named Bandit. He's the same age as Benjamin and he's the sweetest dog ever!

Life is chaotic but it's good and we are blessed. 

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