It's Friday! Yay!!!!
We are playing it spontaneously and making plans for a fun little weekend! David's been working and It'll 48 hours that I haven't seen him. He finally has a full weekend off so we are taking advantage of it and going on a roadtrip ;-) I love car rides with David! We both talk so much and play Eye-Spy and sing to Adele ( when I say both of us I mean it ! ) Anywho, we will be leaving tomorrow morning and coming back Sunday night. Guess where we are going? {Hint: It's very warm and rhymes with
shhhmegas. .. heeehe } I just can't wait to see the boy! ugh!
So since I didn't keep up much with the Feb. Photo Challenge I plan on doing so with the March Photo A Day Challenge. Here it is:
Wish me luck on keeping up ;) ha.
1.) UP!
I Love this , Best time ever! David took me UP on a Hot air balloon for my 20th Birthday! |
2.) Fruit
Bananananananananananaaaaaaaa! Like my nails? I got them did !
I'm excited for this photo challenge, It seems more exciting than last month's. Yesterday I got that dreaded hair cut I had been holding off on... I knew my ends were way damaged but I'm desperate to have long luscious hair! So I decided to got the healthy way and told the lady "Cut as much as you need to .." surprisingly she didn't leave me bald & it's not too short at all. Still medium length.
And after that I went to get my nails done. I feel so girly! & I love it! Again I got an Idea from Pinterest and I went with it.
=) On this note I will share with you that my hubby got me the absolutely most perfect ring ever. It's official now! (Ha j/k) This was my Valentine's day gift I. If you have no Idea what I'm talking about click Here and Here as to why I got a ring |
I Love this ring and am way Thankful! It was so unexpected! I teared up and took lots of pics of it ha
ok ok , I'll stop ha.
I tried this braid thing the other night we went out for dinner, David's taking the pic =) |
Cosby sittin' on HIS couch... yep.. he loves it.
Ok well Hope you all have a great weekend! =)
Verse of the day: "Lead me; teach me; For you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you."
Psalm 25:5 |
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