Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter and 5 Year Anniversary!

Good Friday The Boy and I both had off so we rested up all day and in the evening got dolled up and handsome to attend the 7 pm Good Friday service at church. This was even more special because our church, CrossRoads Community , has been undergoing major construction and on that Friday we would be sitting in the Brand New Auditorium with a huge stage! =D
We joined the church in doing a 24 hour Fast from Thursday 7pm to Friday 7pm.
Big day hair and Make up for JC. hahaha ( I know he'lll appreciate the thought..;] )

Here's what I wore...

And Bam! There it is! The spanking new auditorium! Talk about amazing worship sound in here!

After the service we ran out to stuff our faces at BJ's and got a Huge puffy doughed delicious canadian pinapple and tomato pizza! It was soooo good! I had never had their pizza which is funny since they are known for it! I usually get their amazing BBQ Salad. But this was delish! 

For Easter Sunday, We went to church and it was yet again amazing! From there we headed to Mr. McD's mom's house to celebrate ! It was such a fun filled day! She had all these amazing treats going and everything was so good! David and I brought ingredients to make an amazing Kiwi Melon Sangria >Found on Pinterest.
Kiwi Melon Sangria Recipe
It turned out so tasty ! The mom in law LOVED it ! ;) Brownie points!  jk 

We decorated cookies with his little sister that was fun! 
David getting creative ha

He loves being at his Grandma Laura's house! 
Then we asked his mama to take a couple photos of us. She was the one who took our court wedding pictures. She's pretty good at it too! 
We saw a beautiful big monarch butterfly ( I'm crazy, Cray about butterflies) super still on a tree branch and since David was the only tall one we asked him to take a picture of it and look how amazing it turned out:
So Pretty! Good Job baby! For dinner we had deviled eggs for an appetizer, ham, cheesy potatoes and yummy spinach salad. 
It was amazing.. All of it!

A family friend came over and brought her 1 year old daughter and boy was she a cute little loud playful thing! I love babies! I love being around them and playing and interacting with them! Some day, Some Day... 
That was our fun filled Easter! Best one yet! And Officially our first, Very First Holiday we get to spend together as a married couple. He's been at work for all others. So I Loved Easter. 

The Following Day April 9,2012 we celebrated out 5 year Anniversary! Can you believe it?! Ok flashback moment! 
My then Crush
I Drew this 5 years ago when we were first talking... on Myspace... ha wow...

we went to the same exact Skillet concert with different people, saw each other there and weren't even boyfriend or gf.. forshadowing!

drew this for him

Being teens

our spot at the Malibu beach.

Ok so moving on to the actual anniversary day. We decided to keep it fun and eventful. So we started off by a nice hike in the Moorpark mts. The weather was absolutely beautiful in the 80's! We took our child with us for the adventure and he was loving it! 
It was great! I always end up cutting the hike short due to my fears of bees... so we hiked for a good hour and a half and then I freaked out.. ha so that was that. Then David took me to see goats on the side of a road that he always says he sees climbing up planques of wood and I never believe him so we went. And Sure enough there were goats and they sure did climb!
That place was also a little store with organic fruits and veggies so we got a couple oranges and some good beef jerky and headed off to the beach. Our spot. ;)
fun times! But we got pretty hungry after that so we went for our favorite...Sushi at Cho Cho Sans! 
our roll... ecstasy roll.

Right after food, we went to the $3.00 theater to FINALLY watch The Vow , starring my hunk Channing Tatum and girl crush Rachel McAdams! ughhhh talk about the next best thing to the NoteBook! We loved it. It was a sweet cute movie.. 
and after an eventful fun filled day we headed home. On the way we stopped at the canyon to climb to the top and look at the sunset. Absolutely perfect. 
I love my husband and our life together. we are far from perfect but we make a big effort to live the life God wants us to live. I'm blessed and amazed at all that God has always done for me even when I'm not deserving. I love my Dear Lord and thank him for everything and for these 5 years that I've gotten to spend with David. And now super thankful for Cosby too. =) 

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