Sunday, March 17, 2013

2 Month Old Noah

Lordy Lordy! ha!
My chicken little is not so little anymore! Happy 2 Months to my sweet baby Boy!


Weight: 14 lbs Height: 24 1/2 inches


  • Grasping
  • Kicking
  • Beginning to hold head up a little more
  • Follows mommy and daddy everywhere we go (with his eyes)
  • Giggles and Smiles Alot
  • Talking (cooing) even talks on phone when put to his ear!
He is doing so good and growing so healthy! At the Dr. they told us he was exactly where he needed to be for his height and weight ratio. Hearing that was like music to my ears, since every baby that I see that is as old as Noah still looks so newbornish... and my guy is so big and ahead! That day at the Docs, he got his vaccines.... I felt horrible for having to put him through all of that pain. That night was a tough one since he got fussy from the vaccines. He cried for about 2 hours straight. Didn't matter what we did, nothing seemed to help until he finally got hungry and fell asleep.
Cosby and Noah get along very nicely! Every morning, when Noah wakes, Cosby get super happy and excited to say hello (lick Noah's toes). It's cute. The other day Noah was on his swing and him and Cosby were having a stare off. =)

Yesterday, As we were getting ready to go to the beach (which didn't happen since when we got there it was super foggy and cold!) Noah discovered what a mirror was! Look at that sweet smile! I yelled for David to get the camera quick! And look at the beautiful picture he took! 

We are def enjoying being his parents! Can you tell??? ;)

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