Lately I haven't been blogging because I've had a fuss ball of a baby. Yep, I had it way too easy the first month with Noah, He'd only cry when he was hungry or needed to be changed but this past week, has been a tough one! He hadn't been sleeping at all during the day and at night he was waking up every hour. It was super tiring and since David works 24 hour shifts I was up every night with him and all day. Needless to say I'm exhausted. I haven't been eating much since I'm so busy and our apartment is a disaster, But even so, after all of this, I'm still the happiest mommy ever! I'm so in love with my Noah, I couldn't have asked for anything else. He is the sweetest thing ever!

I think the problem was constipation. Poor little guy, it's horrible not knowing why you're baby is crying nonstop or why he can't sleep in peace. So yesterday we went for a long walk, he liked the fresh air. Went to the park. Came home and rubbed his belly, pressed his knees to his tummy and that seemed to help soothe things. He got a nice bath this morning and has been sleeping good amounts all day today. =)
His many ways of sleeping. |
David's 24 Birthday was yesterday but he had to work. So on Friday we went over to his step sister's place (her birthday was on Friday) and we celebrated with take out from Wood Ranch and cake! I finally got to doing a DIY project for her gift. I had been wanting to decorate a mug like I'd seen on Pinterest, so I looked on her board of quotes to find the perfect one to go on the mug and then I put it in the oven for 30 min. at 350 degrees. I stuffed the mug with shredded paper and put a starbucks gift card in it.
It was a good time! And then today, I had our place full of balloons and I made a special card for him and his mom, stepdad and little sister came over with an amazing dinner (tri-tip, mashed potatoes, baked beans, and cheese cake!) OMG it was soooo good!
Happy 24th baby boy! Love of my Life!
David's little sister with Noah
My mother in law came with gifts not only for the birthday boy but also with an Easter basket for Noah and even a toy for Cosby! How sweet!
His first Easter Basket (froggy basket) and pail, all stuff ready for the beach! |
My Cool kid in his cool new batman shades! ;)
He even got a sun hat! ;) my cutie. Can you believe he's only 2 months old?!
Tomorrow is Noah's 2month appointment = a butt load of shots. I hope he does good and that it doesn't hurt him too bad. If only he didn't have to go through this.
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