Friday, March 29, 2013

A Weekend At My Dad's

Mama and son @ the Gum wall in San Luis Obispo March 2013

This past weekend Noah and I got to go up north to San Luis Obispo to visit my dad and his family!
What I wore 

We had such a good time! I could tell my dad longed for his grandpa and grandson moments for a while! We did everything from eat, to watch movies, to eat, and walk around town and shop and eat! ha!

Friday night we watched Looper. That's my step sister and I enjoying an ice cream sandwich.
Oh there's Noah!

On Saturday we woke up late and enjoyed a good home cooked meal that my dad made for us. At about 1 we finally left the house and went for a walk around town. San Luis is so pretty. There's so much to see and do there. If you like the Country side than you'd love it there!

We had to of course make time for a photoshoot at the famous gum wall on the main st.!

We walked on over to the mission and watched as a bride and groom were photographed with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was fun! Later on at  night, my dad got us tacos and we enjoyed a movie on netflix.

On Sunday we went to my dad's church.
Noah got a name tag for Sunday school!
He started out fussy, so I had to step out of the classroom with him, and then he fell asleep so I went into the "big people" service and enjoyed the word. My Dad's a good pastor, he has the calling and he sure does well!
Immediately after church, we got on the long road towards home. I didn't drive on my own to my dad's so he was generous enough to take us all the way back home 2 hours away! I'm still nervous about driving far places with Noah on my own so on Friday David took us to Santa Barbara and my dad met us there to take us to San Luis. Call me a baby I don't care. ;) #Newmom (yes I just hash tagged on my blog) 

On the way back we stopped at a Mandarin Restaurant to eat dinner.  By the time we got there, my boobs were ready to feed Noah (moms totally get this) so I had to nurse him in the car while everyone went inside to order. Nursing has become pretty easy but I still can't get the hang of throwing a blankie over to cover while doing it in front of someone so breast feeding is usually something I do at home alone.  I pump a lot when I'm out of the house. 
on the way home. 
Noah's in the zone. About to pass out face.
It was such a great weekend. I can't wait to go back! And we are going back soon since my brother is coming home from Afghanistan, I'll be going over to my dad's with him and Noah! Yay for Family! 

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