Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekend Catchup

 Summer's here and it couldn't be any prettier out! First day of summer was yesterday and we started it with a bang! I haven't blogged in about a month and I have a good reason, our family has and is going through a lot but I'll blog about it when I feel ready/ okay to talk about it. We are all okay and healthy, we're just going through a few tests I guess you could say. So, if for some crazy reason you find my blog fun to read and you've been checking it out the last few weeks, I would like to say sorry for not being around and thank you for being faithful followers! ;-)

So yesterday we went to the Greek festival here in town. I had never been and was super excited to go! It was pretty fun, good live music, lots for kids to do and don't get me started on the amazing Greek food we ate! Took me back to when I used to work at a fast food Greek restaurant called Yanni's. I didn't enjoy working there but my gosh, the food was so delish! Yesterday I ordered and devoured a lamb Gryo and topped it off with Baklava for desert. I tell ya, I should have been born Greek or Italian, bomb food!

After the Greek festival, we decided it would be perfect to go for a late afternoon swim at the community pool, so that's exactly what we did! It wasn't even that hot yesterday, it was 75 degrees but for some reason it felt warmer than that.

It was a lot of fun! We definitely have a water baby. He's just like mama!

Today, We woke up too late to go to the church we started attending, so we went to our old church Crossroads and wow! Everyone welcomed us back and told us we were missed and Noah even stayed at the daycare and didn't fuss one bit! It was lovely seeing all the familiar faces! After church David's parents took us out to eat at Lazy Dog Cafe and it was soooooooo Yummy! I always tend to order salads when we go out but I was bold today and ordered a Pulled Pork sandwich! Ughhh take me back I want more! 

Yum yum!!! After eating out we went over to my moms house for a visit and Mr. Noah behaved like a toddler, of course ( in other words, ran around the house not listening or caring about what we'd tell him to do) hahaha . He had fun and that's what matters , for now anyway ;) I love that we have a crazy toddler to deal with now, it makes it fun and the fact that he's beginning to understand us is fun in itself.  Anywho, that's it for now, I promise not to disappear. Thanks again friends! :) 

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