Monday, July 6, 2015

Surprise! We're Vlogging!

Hope you all had an amazing Fourth of July weekend, We sure did! It was spent with family fun and fireworks at  the beach!

So, As I mentioned in the last post, we have a little "blog" surprise... we decided to start Vlogging! I've been wanting to do this for some time but haven't had the courage to just go for it. I've been talking to David for some time now about this and now that he's on board too we're doing it! We were going to start this "vlogging journey" with Levi's birth but we weren't ready to deal with something extra just yet so we started fourth of July weekend since there'd be a lot to vlog about.

It's pretty nerve racking talking to yourself on a camera, especially knowing that people may view you, but looking back at this first video, it's worth it just to have those memories captured. I could warn you about how awful I may look or sound and how maybe some vlogs won't be so exciting... but honestly, it doesn't matter, this is for fun and I want it to be fun. =) so I hope this new journey takes us far and that we may meet new people doing the same thing! Hope you all enjoy and welcome to our life.

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