Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life is Good!

Life is good! I guess I should do a bit of an update on here since I haven't in a while.
Well I guess I have a sort of praise report.
The last two years were nothing but struggle after struggle. From Miscarrying twins, to us getting a car we don't even like (didn't know any better and bought a car with too high of an interest that we are now stuck with)to being pregnant again (with Levi) David working 2 jobs ( one from 6-4:30 and (pm -4am) to him getting a better full-time pay position and only having one job, to losing his job completely a week before we gave birth to our second son and than getting his old job back at starting wage and not too reliable hours.

Anyway, all that to say that a few months back, David was promoted to becoming a supervisor with a salary! Now , we're doing better, actually have a little bit of something after each paycheck, but let me tell you, we have certainly come a LOOOOONNNNNG way! God has always put the right people in our lives and we've always been okay and we are so incredibly grateful for everyone and all of our family that has blessed us in more ways than one. Everyone's encouragement and advice has truly helped us.

We are currently looking to move into a house  and we still can't afford to buy of course or even rent a big house , but we have looked at a few bungalow style homes with a nice backyard. Our main thing is that it has at least two bedrooms and a backyard and an area for a washer and dryer. Since it's so expensive where we currently live (on the coast, ten min from the beach) we have been looking in further inland areas. And who knows, maybe we won't move and we'll stay in our little two bedroom apartment until we can save enough to move out comfortably. I dunno. For now we are doing what we can and praying about it.

Some assume that we make a lot of money or whatever because I stay home. But reality is, is that we've made a huge sacrifice by me not working to stay home. We can't afford to do many activities and often miss out because of this. But I know that what we are doing is what is most beneficial for our family. I often pray for God to show me his will for me. I've applied to many jobs and have yet to get one and to me that is all for a reason and I'm learning that I need to accept being a stay at home mom and wife. And now that I have , I am happy.

My way of providing financially for our home is to sell things on my favorite app Mercari and I also refinish furniture. I started refinishing furniture back when I was pregnant with Noah and getting his room all set up. I LOVED it. I started doing it again about 6 months ago and we've made a good profit from it. I absolutely enjoy doing that, we just wish we had a backyard or shed to do so.

I know I don't write a whole lot anymore but this was a little update on us. We still have a long way to go to where we want to be but we are so happy right now and we have complete faith that everything will happen in God's time. Not my will but His.

Hope I didn't bore anyone . hahaha

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