Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Potty Training Levi

With my Gordo's 3rd birthday just a month away, I knew it was time. Time for him to say "Goodbye" to diapers and "Hello" to cool big boy underwear. I knew I wanted to get him introduced to the concept but with the "luck" we had with Noah ( by luck I mean the painstaking effort it took for him to get it down... he'd scream bloody murder every single time I'd sit him on the toilet and he was 4 years old), I thought this would be a long process again.

I was wrong!

Levi seemed more than ready to get going on the toilet! Peeing is of course easy peasy and does it so well! We didn't even have to do diapers durning naps or night time. We just have him go before he sleeps and he makes it with out wetting himself. If he falls asleep before he has a chance to pee, he will wet himself a bit but overall he's got it down!

This weekend David went on a Men's retreat and of course the day he left, Levi poops in the toilet! He did it! It was about 7:30 pm and he knew that If he'd go number 2, he'd get a Mashem, a little prize. So off we went into town at night to go to Target to get his prize. He was thrilled!

He's had a couple accidents but has been asking for me to go poo when he feels he needs to. He's doing so great and I couldn't be more excited for this big boy step to be happening right now as a 2 year old.

Don't worry, toilet is bleached and cleaned. Floors are steam mopped with bleach too. And I wash his blank often.

You will always be my baby. My big baby boy with big paws who likes to drag his blank everywhere and suck his thumb. I'm so proud of the sweet boy you are and how intelligent you are. Also, your heart is just so pure and that fills me with joy. You shared your potty training prize with your big brother because you wanted to. I love you so much ! 

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