Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

It was a quiet perfect Thanksgiving Day in our household. We woke early and began prepping the turkey to go in the oven for roasting. The day started out crisp with the sun shining through and than quickly shifted to thick fog. It was cozy and perfect for cooking.

Every year we make the same turkey. Herb Roasted Turkey. Comes out so tasty! Recipe HERE

Now that Noah's a little older, he's become a great help around the kitchen! I sent David to pick up some last minute ingredients at the store and he took Levi and Ben so I took advantage of alone time with Noah and had him help me make a couple dishes for sides. He did great!

 Making the cranberry sauce is so easy and fun. He really enjoyed seeing the cranberries burst in the heat. Recipe for the Cranberry sauce HERE

 All the finished sides! Looks so yummy! And it was!
And David cutting the Turkey!

Here's David's plate. A plate meant for a King! Look at that turkey leg! ha!

My Brother stopped by to say hi (aka eat some of our delish thanksgiving food!) and it was awesome having him and his girlfriend there. I know the picture says something else, he kept messing around while I tried to take a picture ;)

 My Dad arrived later that afternoon and ate and brought toys and books for the boys! They were so happy to have him visit! He stayed with us for a couple of nights and man was it a good time!

That was our Thanksgiving! It was just perfect! Started out with a beautiful sunrise and it ended with a full house and a wonderful sunset. =) 

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