Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Almost Due with Baby #4

We are right at the finish line with having our fourth son! This time around everything has been absolutely different. I am currently 37 weeks and 4 days along. We've had one false alarm so far! Last Thursday I woke up, went pee and thought I was done when I heard more pee come out. TMI but whatever. If you know, you know...
I didn't feel like I had pushed any out or anything and I thought hmm maybe this is my water breaking? I've never had my water break on its own so I thought maybe it was it. I waited until about noon with continuous contractions to tell David. He then asked his mom to pick Noah up from school and then come to my house to pick up Levi and Ben as well. I packed their bags just in case and waited for David to come home. When he came home we went to get checked at the hospital. Turns out I was 3cm dilated! I had progressed from a 1 1/2 to a 3 in just a few days! Yay!

They had us wait for a while more, still with contractions, to see if there was any progress. They checked me one hour later and to our surprise, I was at a 4! We were sure this was it! They still didn't admit me, but they had us wait. We waited until about 8pm, they checked me again and I was still at a 4. This time they told me since I was only 36 weeks and 5 days they didn't want to intervene unless baby was progressing on his own. So they gave us the option of staying the night or going home. We live 45 minutes away from the hospital so to be safe we decided to stay.
That night was rough, and we hardly slept.
My contractions came to a complete halt.

In the morning, the Dr. checked me and I was still at a 4. No change. So I got sent home with no baby. That's probably the most intimidating part to me is thinking labor is happening and then going home with no baby. Good thing is baby is healthy, happy and still growing.
Me trying to get things going .. walked the park 3 times, Went up the jungle gym stairs 15 times and still nothing. Oh well .

In just 2 days I go into my 38 week appointment and I'm pretty sure she's doing the membrane sweep to get things going. I'm so excited! For me this always works and I'm usually in active labor that same night! Fingers crossed!

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