Sunday, September 21, 2014

My 24th Birthday

Last Saturday I turned 24 freaking years old! Can you say Crazy?! Every year that goes by I just can't believe it, I still feel 17! Time just likes to fly!
So although I don't feel any different being 24 I really did have a good birthday. It started out with David surprising me a day before with a BBQ at his mom's that they all planned out and did for me. My little sis in law made me a giant cupcake (pictured above, photo taken and edited by my MIL) The food was amazing! My favorite thing to eat over there is my Dad in law's bbq chicken and baked beans and that's what was on the menu!
So Friday, I had no idea what we were doing, I only knew that there was some sort of plan for dinner, so I got ready and waited. Impatiently waited, I'm horrible with letting a surprise stay a surprise, but I let it for the most part. ;) When the time FINALLY came to get in the car, I didn't stop asking questions heehee.. we ended up at David's mom's house of course and I walked in, went to the backyard and I saw huge red balloons the number 24!` I was so surprised! And David's mom was like "go out back there's someone waiting for you!" It was my bestfriend Suzie , her husband and babies! Yay! It was awesome!

David playing with their baby

Suzie & Susie. We're tight. ha

Silly selfies!
It was so sweet for my friends and family to think of me and plan this all out for me. I loved it! We later enjoyed the huge cupcake that my sis in law made and took plenty of bad pics! Some good in there too.

Lovely ain't it? Leave it to my husband to capture my "good side."

Coolest birthday cake ever!

Thank you again to David for the surprise and for his family for pulling it all off and to our friends for being there for me! Love you!

On Saturday, my actual birthday, we went out to lunch with my mom and stepdad. They took us to Islands, so yummy! It's a sit down restaurant that serves burgers and other American type foods but pretty nice! I love eating their teriyaki burger! It was fun!

Noah had a good time there! Being so silly coloring!

Loves of my life!

My mom, Noah and I
While we waited for our food, we were messing around with my mom's iphone because she had already done the 8.0 upgrade and we noticed it had the slomo video button, hahahaha I recorded her being silly and watched her face move back and forth in slow motion hahahha! It was so funny! We must've been the loudest table there! It was fun! Thank you mom and Rudy for the treat! My mom gave me a TJ Maxx giftcard, oh yea my fave! David insisted we go shopping after our lunch so we did ;) I didn't need to be persuaded.

After shopping we came home, relaxed a little and than went for an evening walk on a local trail we've been going to recently. We walked and talked in the dark and Noah fell asleep. It was nice! Afterwards, we decided to get takeout from Chili's, David recieved a $25 gift card and we decided to use it on my birthday. Can you believe all of this food came out 24 dollars?! And it was so good! 
Love nights in with good food and some Netflix!
It was a good birthday! I'm super thankful that God has always blessed my life, even through the obstacles, he's always watching out for me. I'm thankful for these 24 years of life I've been given and excited for many more years to come!

A week before my birthday, David also surprised me by telling me we were going to be seeing Magic the band perform on the 17th! Turns out he was listening to Pandora and they announced a free concert in our city at the airport! I'll be blogging about that soon but how cool is that? With these financially tough times, it's amazing anything is free anymore and I just soak it all up and get what we can for  free! You bet we went and enjoyed ourselves to the max! Free chili's, free concert  what more could I want?! =)

Super Blessed!

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