Saturday, September 22, 2018

Levi's 3rd Birthday

My Dear boy,
You have been nothing but a light to our life! Your contagious smile and your hilarious character has brought so much joy into our lives. You as a three year old is the best thing ever! You are funny my boy! You are into super heroes, you love skate boarding, using your scooter to do stunts and you are fearless in everything you do! You are You and that's what we love about you!

The day before his actual birthday, David's dad and step mom came over to visit to wish Levi a happy Birthday. It was such a good day! They brought what seemed like a million gifts not just for levi but for all the boys! It was very special!
They even brought him cake and we sang happy birthday to him. We went out to eat Mexican food and had a great time catching up!

That night, David and I stayed up late decorating our little place for Levi so he could wake up to a party before church ;)

Sunday we enjoyed the morning with our birthday boy and had birthday pancakes and then went to church. We gifted Levi his very own scooter! Noah got his scooter for his 3rd birthday so it was Levi's turn to get his very own scooter. He was so happy!

After church we had Grace's graduation to go to. ( David's little sister) She was homeschooled all her life and graduated that Sunday. What a huge accomplishment to her and her

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