Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Time To Catch Up!

I feel like my "regular " posts have become me catching up because I stop blogging for months and then I have to fill you all back in on what's been going on.

First I need to apologize for this posts not having any pictures included.. I've yet to buy an external hard drive for my laptop and at the moment it's not something I "need" to spend money on so I won't until I can.

A lot , A lot ... has happened in the past 5ish months since not blogging. I get into a funk of not wanting to share, not caring to share our life and than it just settles and I stop blogging. But I've felt in my heart the need to share and document for personal reasons. I know a few of you message me when I stop blogging and encourage me to keep blogging, I really appreciate that. =) I love knowing that someone is taking time out of their busy life to read about mine. Thank you.

I guess I will just start off but naming off the different events that have occurred.

1.) Noah is in Kindergarten.

 For years we (my husband and I) went back and forth as to whether or not we would homeschool or have our son attend school. I did many lessons with my boys here at home and in the summer, we decided it would be best for him to attend school. Homeschooling became a little too overwhelming for me. I don't know if it was me comparing myself to other homeschool moms or the fact that my house was never quiet enough to have my five year old concentrate on his work without interruptions from the others. We don't have a regular babysitter to have someone take the two other littles so I had to try and keep a 3 and 1year old occupied and out of trouble while doing lessons with Noah. It was too hard for me. I also found that for me to keep my sanity I need at least some part of the day or night for myself. I was using nap or night time to look for different lessons for my sons and it was too draining on me. The most alone time I get with my husband is night when the boys go to sleep (8pm) and that time is sacred to me. I love having time with my husband, even if all we do is snack and watch The office.

So Noah is now attending a Christian Elementary school, yes it costs money to have him attend and yes its tight on one income, but this is what we decided was best for him for now.

2.) I'm Pregnant with baby #4!!!

Ahhhh... Not how I wanted to announce on the blog but it's basically already announced through the instagram widget on here anyway..
Yup we are expecting Baby number Four in February 2019! I'll write a post about how and when we found out and my feelings on it all.
This is another reason why we decided not to homeschool Noah. This season is so so ... different... difficult? I don't want to sound like I'm complaining but dang....
The baby will be born half way through Noah's school year so I want to make sure he's getting the proper education during the day while I give the baby the proper attention he needs. (Hint Hint... gender reveal !)

3.) Money Struggles

 with this part of the update I know our current situation is based on our past mistakes we've made so I am not blaming or wanting a pitty party for what we are going through, I am just sharing.
Since finding out about baby number four, we've began budgeting with an actual spreadsheet an figuring out where our money is going and being used for. Something we probably should have began doing years ago but are just now learning on our own and trying to correct our financial status.
A little background on how it all started

When David and I married through the court, we were living together. Not because thats what we wanted but because the situation in my then household was not safe for me and he was the only place I had to go. We married without any financial support and had to make due with our two incomes. At the time, I was the breadwinner but I was only working part time and attending college. David was working his butt off being an EMT and applying to become a firefighter. We barely had enough for rent and gas and just enough food. We never did anything extra and really didn't spend more than we had but there were a few situations where we had to find a way... Helloooooo Credit card debt. I had 3 credit cards I would use to buy food, clothes and my school supplies. We bought what we bought and time passed and those were never paid off and went yearsssss ... I mean years people, without ever being able to afford to pay them. Then came kids and moving and cars and bad decisions and now  we need another car because we are still in our 5 seater small car..... Basically we don't have many options now because of poor credit and we are running out of time until baby arrives.

What I should have done is paid off the car in multiple monthly payments so we'd be done with it, use our tax return ; my earned side hustle money ( babysitting, furniture projects and photography) to all go towards paying off stuff that needed to be paid off.

Now that we know , Now that we care, we are buckling down and working towards a zero based budget. Every dollar has a place and if it means we miss out on a few fun things this year, than that's what we'll do. We know better now and I want our kids to grow up with the knowledge that we've attained about budgeting and the importance of it.

I've really grown to be passionate about learning the financial aspects of life people have advice on . I'm learning and praying that it sticks and that we get out of this rut we've been in for a long time.

Goodbye goodwill days and "clearance shopping".

4.) 7 Years Married!

This past August we celebrated 7 years being married! No 7 year itch here, we're just getting started on the good stuff ;)

5.) I turned 28

 Okay, there should have been a warning that once you get closer to the Big 3-0, no one cares.... hahahaha!
But really, it was a quiet birthday this year!

That's basically the gist of what's been going on over here. I'm going to set myself a regular posting schedule. I'd like to post 2-3x a week and will really buckle down to do so. So if you're reading this and interested, click my follow button to get notified on when I post ;)

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