Thursday, October 18, 2018

Pregnant With Baby Number 4!

 Surprise! Baby Number 4 is on board and almost ready to dock! ... okay that was lame

We are expecting baby number 4!!!

Due Date:

We just went in today for our check up and according to baby's anatomy scan + the first day of my last period, we are due February 9th 2019!

I am 24 weeks along !


Surprise Surprise, It's a BOY!!!


Fatigue, Cramping, Back pain... so far only one Charlie horse on my calf. I hate those! I don't think I'm moody or super emotional but you might want to re check that with David ;)


Okay, there's a couple we do like but have yet to settle on::

Asher John
John Asher
Any name suggestions would be appreciated ! {We already have a Noah Kalvin; Levi John; Benjamin David.}

How Did We Find Out?

 I was ten days late and I just had this gut wrenching feeling I might be pregnant. I'm pretty honest, so I'll just be real here.
Our plan was to wait 3-4 years until we try for our last baby. Having Benjamin is a blessing, He's so fun and silly, but also the clingiest one yet. I can't get much of anything done with him needing to be on my hip. With that being said, we knew we should wait until he was a little more independent and the other two older brothers were in school.
We were being careful but unless you're on birth control (which I was not) or you've been snipped, (which he has not) the most careful you can be is being celibate lol Plus it's super difficult to not get pregnant when you have a super hot spicy man for a husband ;)

First test: was not negative but oh so so so faint! That little second line was just not showing up enough to convince me that I might really be pregnant with a living baby. I know that sounds weird to say, but when you've lost a pregnancy you know what to look out for while miscarrying. I thought the faint line was either I was so early or I was miscarrying. I was early.
Test number two a day later, was already so much more apparent! Holy cow, Could I really be pregnant again so soon?! I only just got my first period since having Ben, and here I am, missed my second one because I was already pregnant!
How am I going to do this with four kids 6 and under?! How is David going to feel ?!
I told him, right then and there. He surprised me! Not because I expected him to feel disappointed but how encouraging he was! He was not even stressed.

Test number 3, I decided I wanted to film it. I bought a legit expensive test that actually showed the words PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. You know the fancy ones from target.
Okay... I'm pregnant! I'm really Pregnant! ( I didn't do anything with the video, been thinking about starting to vlog again but still unsure)
This was in June.

I didn't go to my first official OB appointment until I was about 13 weeks. It's been flying ever since!
I did get morning sickness this pregnancy which lead me to believe it might be a girl since I felt so different than the last pregnancy.
But honestly, all of my pregnancies have been so different.

1. Noah was huge ( 9 lb baby and traumatizing delivery)
2. Levi I had a subchorionic hemorrhage . But with him I was smaller and super easy delivery.
3. Ben was the most exhausting most painful pregnancy . I also had gestational diabetes with him and got a huugggge belly!

So, We'll see how this one turns out but so far No gestational diabetes and I'm back to feeling energized. Belly is big according to me, but hey , I have had 4 babies grow full term in there :)

No matter how much of a surprise, I am thankful that our son is growing. Growing healthy, Growing fast and we are excited to meet you. Brothers are already loving on you so hard on the daily! I am excited to see my 4 young men grow together in this brother hood. We are beyond blessed.

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