Friday, October 19, 2018

Get to know me :: 28 Facts about me!

Since I had been on and off from blogging, I felt I need a fresh new start for new readers. I want you guys to know me as best as possible through here, and get to know my character and how not serious I am most of the time. I just recently turned 28 and I thought I'd share 28 random facts about me.


Susana Rebecca McDaniels but everyone calls me Susie. And I like Susie. Not SUZY not Susan... Susie.
Married to my High School sweetheart David and we've been together for 11 years. Married 7 of those years.

1.) I'm a worry wart. Anxiety? Maybe, probably but I'm trying to get a hold of it.

2.) I'm pretty kept to myself unless you're a close friend. Than you know how hyper I can be. Give me wine or a margi and I'm a nutty fun mess.

3.) I watch The Wendy Williams show errrday. We don't have cable but I manage to watch it a day late on youtube. "How You Doing???"

4.) I love watching conspiracy videos. Find them so fascinating! (Doesn't mean I believe all of them)

5.) I went to college and didn't get my degree. I never was someone that enjoyed school. I was definitely there only to please my parents. I went for 3 years and I just could not pass my math class. So If I really tried and got a tutor and I passed my math, I'd have my AA at least.  I definitely mainly went to college to keep dancing.

6.) My first car was an old 86' Volvo. I loved that car! So many memories of driving around with no air conditioning, with David and just joy riding!

7.) My first language was actually Spanish! I went to kindergarten not knowing a lick of English. Now I'm a pro. ;)

8.) If I could I'd be a flight attendant. Also an Interior designer.

9.) I never thought I'd be a stay at home mom, I saw and see myself working but this is God's plan for me.

10.) I started working at 16 at a Greek restaurant. The owner was ... for lack of better words, a pig. Then I got a job at the Fillmore Train (which is used for films, special themed rides and goes super slow) After working there, I worked at Presto Pasta which I became a shift supervisor for. (my Dad worked there for yearssssss) After Presto I worked at Urban Home where I found my love for all things home decor. While working there I scored a fabulous job at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and worked there for 3 years while attending college. I also worked a second job while at the Library at Sephora for their seasonal position. I loved the free makeup!

11.) I started paying for my bills and schooling when I started working.

12.) I moved out at 18, in with a wonderful family friend. Moved back in for a few months and out again at 19 for good.

13.) I love me some reality TV! And The Office.

14.) I'm deathly terrified of bees and will whimper if one gets too close.

15.) Never been stung by a bee but I did get bit by a yellow jacket and it hurt so bad!

16.) I've gotten four tattoos (one was covered) and many facial piercings.

17.) I love to read but hardly ever finish a book.

18.) I'm a little OCD about germs and kids and going certain places. No thank you Chuck E Cheese.

19.) I'm a bomb thrifter.

20.) I'm pretty insecure ... Like I hardly post selfies because I feel I look weird. Or super nervous about what others think or say of me... I wish I wasn't this way.

21.) I consider myself an outdoorsy person.... until Bugs.... so maybe not.

22.) I got married at 20.

23.) We have twin angel babies waiting for us in Heaven.

24.) Jesus is my homeboy.
We're Christians and believe in our Lord as our savior.

25.) We are pretty frugal. Meaning eating out much doesn't happen too much. No cable here. Free is my favorite price. Thrifting for new modern  pieces or clothes is my hobby. I hardly buy makeup at store because Goodwill sells it brand new too.

26.) We never had an actual wedding like we planned. We got married by the court. I still have my brand new unworn wedding dress with the tags on it and veil hanging in my closet. Which I'm trying to sell. David's sure we'll still have a big wedding but .... I'm pretty sure after 4 kids that's not very likely.

27.) I get nosebleeds all the time! Just last night I got one while sleeping and woke up to blood on my face and hands. Super attractive I know. Also Noah and Levi get nosebleeds about once a week. David thinks we're aliens.

28.) I've only gotten my nails done a handful of times. Prom, a Cruise, Our wedding, two Mother's days and maybe one birthday. Pedicures maybe twice. I'm too ticklish for it.

There ya go! 28 Random as heck facts about me!

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