Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Weekend Update Oct. 19-21 2018

Our weekend was a fun one! Started out pretty calm. On Friday my mom came over to hang out... or sleep and eat I should say.

 I've been making these breakfast burritos lately. It's got potatoes, egg, cam, and shredded cheese. Sometimes I add avocado. So good and the boys love them!

 Friday night nose picking and cuddles!

David worked for 4 hours on Saturday so I worked on a project outside and the boys played and got dirty. I was so happy to see the Fed Ex lady bring me a special package just for me! Thank you to my Mother in Law for spoiling me with awesome maternity clothes! I've literally been living in a couple of maternity jeans I have and David's basketball shorts!

Sporting my new pair of overalls! I love these so much! David got home and we went out for Jimmy Johns sandwiches. Having some fun with my boys!

While we were out, my neighbor called and last minute invited us over to celebrate their son's 7th birthday. They had a lot of family over and Pozole and delicious cake. 

On Sunday, we stayed home and I kept working on my project and once noon hit we got ready to go to another birthday party that Noah had been invited to by a first grader at school! Noah was the only kindergartener that was invited, I was surprised! Guess that means he's cool enough to hang with the older kids! jk. 

 I was actually more surprised at how timid Noah was the whole time. He's usually so loud and spunky, seeing him that quiet was so different. It was so sweet seeing Noah and Levi stick together though. They played in the trampoline and ran around together. Benjamin was all over the place! He was definitely not shy in a new surrounding! So for things like this, David's running around chasing after Benjamin while I keep an eye on Noah and Levi, usually while sitting because heat and swelling is not fun while pregnant!

Also, Noah and photos don't happen a whole lot on command anymore... insert cry face! 

Jackson (Noah's friend) had the coolest Jurassic theme birthday! His mom did an amazing job! She and a friend even made that sweet cake!

That's the Birthday boy!

                                                         Noah getting a slice of cake

Mr. Happy and Baby boy number 4

This...I love this picture of David handling both Ben and Levi! You're awesome babe !

It was a good family filled weekend. =)

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