Wednesday, March 20, 2019

6 weeks old + recovery

 Six weeks old here! How does time always seem to escape me?! Time flies when you have kids!
It’s been a blur these past few weeks with our fourth son. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my face look so tired and I don’t think David and I have ever survived on such little sleep but somehow we’re still alive and so are the kids 😅.
Ethan has obviously been doing his job and growing like a champ ! This tater tot is getting big ! Today I had to move up from 0-3 to now 3-6 month clothing ! They fit long but chubs here fills them in nicely. He’s mostly a happy baby and loves his mama ( I’m not complaining) but when I posted these pictures on Instagram the other day saying how he hardly cries , he than cried and whines all that day and well three days later and he’s still fussy. Must be going through a growth spurt .
I can’t stop kissing him and touching his fuzzy head with my cheeks . Ugh he’s my doll.

Also, his eyes are still light grey which is shocking ! The only one that had somewhat blue looking eyes as a newborn was Levi but that only lasted a few days . Ethan’s eyes seem to be blue / grey  and here to stay! That rhymed .

Recovery the fourth time around for me has been ... not so fun. I’ll spare you from the details for now but I’m not happy with it . I have my 6 week post partum appointment with my ob next week and I’m actually excited to get some answers . My body is definitely not healing the way it should be but once we know what’s going on , I’ll update you , my friends and family on it . I just ask for prayers that all of this is temporary and still just “normal” healing from having my baby .

I want to say Thank You to my loyal readers and friends that follow me on here . I never anticipate any traffic on here and when I get a message from you guys asking how I’m doing or about something I wrote about on here , it shocks me that you read but it warms my heart. Thank you for for sticking around with my inconsistency and I promise I’m trying to become more active on here . :-)

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