Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter 2019

Happy Easter from our family! I can't believe we're already in the middle of Spring and summer is almost here! Easter time is so much fun and it is definitely one of my top favorite holidays to celebrate! Our God is real, he is powerful and we are here because HE gave HIS one and only Son to die on that cross for us. All for us! He loves us so much that he sacrificed his very own. That's intense and unending love. But we are celebrating because Jesus rose from the grave!
I am blessed that I get to share the gospel with four of our very own and they will pass it down from generation to generation! All week we have been studying on Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and Noah (6) and Levi (3) are getting it. It's exciting to have their little minds working and figuring things out and why we do the things we do or believe in what we believe . I love it. So there is a picture David took of the boys and I in our Easter Sunday best! Noah dressed himself ;) 

 After church, we came home and I started cooking and prepping for David's mom and family to come over for lunch. I should say David actually grilled and I prepped. These are the boys' baskets with treats. I thought the baskets were so simple this year and I was surprised to see them entertained for a couple of hours after ! They really enjoyed all their treats!


the boys waiting on the grandparents to get here

Deviled eggs, Mixed greens with strawberries, sliced almonds and red onions.

Turkey Kielbasa shish kabobs! They were Delish!

 I love this picture of David's mom with Ethan Cole. So sweet!
 Oh my goodness , it's rare now when David and I take a picture together. but here we are!
 and yes I am wearing sweats. I had to get comfy to do all that cooking! I love sweet Ethan so much!
Ethan (2months)

Noah (6)
 Easter egg hunt in our back yard!
Ben (2)


Some Easter Sunday humor that a friend  posted ;D I couldn't stop laughing!

I hope you all had the best Easter celebrating our Saviour! 

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