May 12, 2013 |
Today was obviously the best mother's day I've ever had... I mean it was the first one after all! =) Our day started super early (Noah decided he wanted to give me my gift early @ 5:40am... by gift I mean poo.) Once Noah woke up I decided I had to stay up and get ready since today we were doing Noah's dedication at church! To some of you, 5:40 might seem a wee bit exaggeratingly early, but actually I just made it in time to get out and on the road by 9:30!!! It's tough when you gotta shower, wipedown the baby, change him, breastfeed him, than I had to shower, than David came home, I ate, he ate, I did my hair and makeup, pumped and out we went! BAM!
This Mother's Day was made extra special by my two main men. David came home with a dozen roses in hand and a beautiful card and than we got to dedicate our sweet little man at church! Our parents attended and made it super special!
They had a lot of children to dedicate so what they did was line us up and one by one they presented the parents and child and said the meaning of the name of the child along with a scripture. We chose to have them read Luke 2:40. The pastor and his wife prayed over each child and at the end they sang Jesus Loves Me Yes He Does.. it was just perfect! I got teary eyed towards the end.
Noah was given this adorable piggy bank of Noah's Ark and his name engraved on it by his sweet grandparents! I melted when I saw this! Seriously, how cute is it?!
Cards from David, My mom + giftcard to tj maxx, and my daddy! |
After church my mom and her husband and David's mom and family and us, we went for lunch at Mongolian BBQ. It was alright... but I wouldn't go back.. My food was not that great.
Someone was ready to go home.. |
So we went home and then I had a project for the hubby to do so off we headed to Home Depot. After that we came back home, relaxed and for dinner he took us to Islands! Yum! I wanted to enjoy a drink or two but I forgot my id at home... and if you ask anyone, David looks like he's 16 and I look 15... so that's no fun ha! On top of it all David wants me to go enjoy a pedicure tomorrow, he had also gotten me a beautiful charm bracelet that we're waiting for to arrive and he said he'll clean the house... hmm we'll see about that...
I'd say, it was the perfect First Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Fellow Ladies! ;)
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