Thursday, May 23, 2019

Weekend Update May 17-19 2019

Friday was spent doing our usual mile and a half walk around the park and then playing at the park/skate park. The boys ask to go to the park probably 40 times a day.  (insert eyeroll emoji)

I was super excited about it being Friday because David had surprised me with signing the kids up to be watched at church for 4 hours while we got to go on a date! He was being intentional and I felt it =) 
So after the park, I spent the rest of the day attempting to do my hair. I want to go back to having a balayage so I got through with the first bleach sesh. Surprisingly it wasn't too hard with all four boys. They al kind of looked out for one another while mama walked around the house looking like a fool with foils in her hair lol.

So to be honest, David didn't specifically have a plan to our date, he knew we would eat but not sure where and that's kind of all he had in mind. So we agreed on one of our favorite restaurants Thai Peru. I love it there! The food is amazing but the best part of going there is that all the ladies that work there know us already. They spoil our boys and love to see them! =) 

We got the usual, yellow chicken curry, chicken pad Thai and an order of spring rolls.
Oh and yes of course Ethan was third Wheeling.
 After dinner, we went to the outlets and went into the Disney store. David knows how much I love it there for the boys. We bought them each a cute Toys Story shirt.
From there He literally had no idea on what to do so he stopped by one of our favorite dessert spots Rolling Pin for donuts and coffee. I love their glazed donuts but man, they're so rich and heavy one is more than enough.

We finished the night and picked up the boys early from church and headed home. They had their fun too! They were given pizza for dinner and they got to play games and watch a movie! 

Ethan after a wild night out with mom and dad. haha

 Saturday we woke up early for Levi's basketball game. It was the last game of the season! Man I'm so sad its already over but our little guy has gotten so good at basketball ! We're definitely proud of him and his love for sports and want to keep pursuing keeping him in sports while he's all about it!
It was a lot for our whole family but thankfully we were all in it together . We'd drive 45 min to practice every monday with all the kids. And same for every Saturday for the games. We'd wake up early and head out by 8am every Saturday to be at the game by 9.  We always had supporters for him watching along. His grandma was always there, my dad went once, Grandpa Ken went a few times and my cousin, their aunt and uncle were there a couple times too! It was fun!

This is his coach, he was such a sweet and caring coach!

We celebrated Levi's last game by taking him to Toppers Pizza. Yum!

From that we had agreed on a day of rest at home. Which meant catching up with yard work for David and cleaning inside for me. And laundry. Sometimes we need to plan to not plan so that we can truly enjoy our time together at home. We are usually on the go and visiting here and there but this was needed. 

Twins! Ethan and Daddy's cheeks! 

Also this filter makes me look freakish and like a fish. I did my MaryKate Smile hahaha

A picture I had sent to my mother in law. Which she didn't appreciate because she never responded to it lol

Cute fun badges David made for the boys while he was at work

My mom in law bought Ethan this little kickin tunes mat. He loves it! 

So far it's been a good week. We were out most of the day today but are home now and waiting on Dad to get here. Hope you enjoyed catching up with our weekend and week! 

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